Flash Player


The Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player allows you to view interactive web content like Youtube, games, business presentations, entertainment and those things we all adore so much – advertisements. The package includes only the Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. You can download the file to install at a later date or use it to reinstall the player on a fresh version of Windows. The single download package makes it much easier to troubleshoot problems and you don’t have to go through the active download process each time you need to install the player.

Technically, this is a Flash Player ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser (Internet Explorer). If you want to view downloaded flash and shockwave content at another time, you will need the Shockwave and Flash Player (Complete Standalone Installer).

Note: this version is for Internet Explorer running on Windows (including Windows 7). For the Firefox release, see here. If you are having trouble with the error message ‘Cannot find the file flash.ocx’, this download should fix the issue. For more details see our guide on how to fix the ‘Cannot find the file flash.ocx’ error.


Wasim M
I just wanted to say a massive thank you as your download of Flash Player worked brilliantly. I started making tutorials for Photoshop on my Youtube Channel and had been stuck because of this problem so once again thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.

Violet P.
For some unknown reason my flash player disappeared completely and I became aware of something being amiss when I clicked on some video links on Yahoo that said I didn't have Adobe's Flash Player. I tried to download from various links on a Yahoo search and none of them completed. I am very grateful for your help in this.... I was envisioning have to reformat my whole computer from start to get Flash Player back and you know that is not a great experience. Thank you so much

Jennifer G.
I have tried every possible solution to the Flash Player update installation issue without luck until I came across your site. I installed and uninstalled several times according to Adobe's instructions, however, it seems you guys are more knowledgeable and seem to have the most recent information. Thank you so much. Your suggestions worked.

Sarah A
I have had such a nightmare trying to sort my flash player and active x etc... I have spent ages trying to figure out my problem and go on to forums etc. My flash player wasn't downloading from the adobe site and I used to have it on my computer it just seemed to disappear.... Anyway I was wary of downloading from a site I was not familiar with, but was desperate. After clicking your option to get the latest version of flash everything seems to be working fine! and it only took a few seconds. I can not believe it. It really has saved me so much time and headache...

Nanceye R.
I want to give you a BIG THANK YOU for letting me download Adobe Flash player at your





Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Sever 2003 or Server 2


DOWNLOAD Flash Player